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Ra2 download vn-zoom

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Build strong bases, combined resources, and, with all that, produce the most reliable and strongest troops in the world. Attack and capture or destroy opponents in the red alert game 2. Join the fight as a Nod Brotherhood or Global Defense Initiative as they fight for the rarest mineral called Tiberium. In an alternative mode, compete with the red threat. Move forward with the generals when the United States and China battle the Global Army, which is a terror-based organisation that wants to bend the world.

This game was released in October for Microsoft Windows. This is a sequel to the previous version called Red Alert. Two main sides can be played: one is Soviet, and the other is the Allied side. There is an alternative final mode that opposes continuous story mode in single-player campaigns. The Allies realized that a change of regime would cause major unrest in the Soviet Union. For stability and support in the region, ally the victor Alexander Romanov, who was linked to Tsar Nicholas II, was a man who worked at his fingertips for the Soviet Prime Minister.

Romanov completed the Allied demands first. However, still, he built an active Soviet Army for defence, which was a cover for an invasion that could be carried out by America.

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